Sharing scientifically generated knowledge with society and translating research findings into practical applications—these tasks have gained renewed significance at Heidelberg University following its success in the Excellence Strategy competition of the federal and state governments.
The increased emphasis on promoting knowledge and technology transfer is expected to result in a substantial rise in collaborations with industry partners, the initiation of (societal) entrepreneurial activities, improved performance in patenting, licensing, and spin-offs, a sustainable expansion of entrepreneurship education, a noticeable enhancement of knowledge transfer to a wide range of societal stakeholders, as well as greater visibility of the university's achievements and its societal relevance at the local, national, and international levels.

Further information
Heidelberg University aims to establish knowledge and technology transfer as a third robust pillar alongside research and teaching within its portfolio of activities. To enhance societal engagement with scientifically generated knowledge, successfully translate research findings into practical applications, and fully harness the innovative potential of Ruperto Carola, the university supports transfer activities and the development of forward-looking ideas.